Thursday, January 7, 2010

Olympic Torch Relay In Winnipeg

Grant's Perspective on ... Inland AV at the Olympic Torch Relay.

Really cool (in this case -39*C with wind chill) to see Inland AV was a part of the Olympic Torch Run.

The last stop for the Olympic Flame in Winnipeg was at RBC parking lot on the west side of town. Inland AV supplied the sound system for the band and Torch Relay ceremony.

Here is a picture that one of our staff took of Gail Asper passing on the flame to Marg Wilson, for the final leg of the Winnipeg relay.

I even took a screen shot from the Weather Channel, just to document the cold. My hats are off to the technicians who were taking care of the audio!


1 comment:

  1. While it was cold, we all enjoyed being a part of the event.

    But at least it is a dry cold!
