Monday, June 1, 2009

Improved Boardroom Communications From System Integration

Grant's Perspective on ... the value of a boardroom AV communications system.

Here is my pet peeve - As an AV guy I'm biased but it blows me away when I hear of a boardroom where the furniture cost is an exorbitant amount (furniture sales people please do not take offense, I'm just looking for balance) and yet they have no AV or some little audiovisual system and their only form of conferencing is a telephone desk station used as a speaker phone (which is only half duplex audio!). I'm surprised at the number of boardrooms that do not include popular presentation technologies.

Don't get me wrong, I have a great respect for the old-school ways of business and the person who had the "natural knack" for business, and if AV isn’t a requirement…that’s just the way it is.

Audiovisual is all about communication. Tools are necessary to effectively communicate your information - could your teacher have taught math & spelling without a chalkboard? Or was it an overhead projector? Or was it via a projector or interactive whiteboard? Audiovisual is the tool - sight & sound used to effectively communicate the information. Throw a few more "tools" into the mix to provide easy operation of these components and you have: "Improved communication from system integration...."

Today, every boardroom and multi-purpose meeting room should have a presentation system. This includes a projector & screen or flat panel display(s), sources (computer, DVD, BluRay, document camera, etc) controlled lighting, proper audio and acoustic treatment, audio conferencing, video conferencing, and an easy and intuitive control system interface to operate the system.

We specialize in boardroom and training room presentation systems and have completed many rooms where we work with the existing décor – and we know not to scratch your furniture. At the end of the day, it’s really great to see a completed integration help a business achieve their goals.


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